Giddy anticipation of a snow day

Day  15 – January 17, 2013

The one day I would actually be on time for a reflection and we don’t even have one assigned. Ooh, well…I’ll take the break from writing and reflecting (my brain is a little tired of coming up with creative writing anyway), but I will give a quick recap of the day:


That’s about it. Every day is just more and more work as we hurtle towards the finish line, which is officially one week from today. Actually by this point, we’ll have completed the projects (fingers crossed), presented them, and will probably all be off to to various places to enjoy a glorious “fake break” before spring semester gets going. Fortunately, it’s super long this year thanks to extended sorority recruitment, so there will be plenty of extra time to recharge before diving head first into new classes and our capstones. Sidenote: GO SIGMA KAPPA. Anyway, I spent my day clipping a few more interviews to potentially be used in a video, finished writing and editing the content for each section of the website, met with a professor to record voice overs for our videos, among a few other smaller things. It was really awesome to see continued progress as a group, I can see things starting to take shape between the design and that being translated into code for the website. I think it’s going to look really good. I just hope that everything else falls into place (and that CODECE likes what I wrote about their organization and that they’re pleased with our final project. If it turns out well, I think it will really make a difference for CODECE and that would be awesome to know we were responsible for that difference.

So rainy season has ended in North Carolina and now it has turned to snow. I’m half crossing my fingers for a full snow day tomorrow (which may actually happen because even 1 inch of snow means the entire town shuts down). I just think it would be a nice little break to be able to lounge around in my pajamas while working from home and just getting a chance to sit back and focus on one thing at a time, without distractions, and maybe come up with some potential new ideas to add to the project.


Hard to believe I was on writing in the sand on a beach last week and now I’m looking outside my window to find snow falling. #zuCRu is my group’s Twitter and Instagram hashtag, by the way…feel free to follow along!


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